Sunday, October 31, 2010

Things that have meant something to me today

~Even though things feel meaningless right now, there's a part of me that knows it's only temporary, and part of a bigger picture.

~Cancelling the session with my client today so I can have time and space to look after myself,

~THEN, receiving a caring email from her with a quote that is so spot on.

~Visiting a college friend at work just to let her know where I'm at, and having her treat me to a dandelion tea and hot chocolate.

~Instead of wallowing with junk food, I came home and made myself a salad wrap and chai.

~Thinking of the pretty white feather I found the other day.

~Receiving a little message from an old work friend, just to say hi and check that I'm doing ok.

"Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let yourself take you where you long to be... Close your eyes, let your spirit soar and you will live as you've never lived before."

This is a scary place to be. I don't know how to do things a new way. But I know I don't want to do it the old way anymore. Hence the emptiness.

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