Sunday, October 18, 2009

Goddess course Week 1

So, week 1...

We did an amazing guided meditation where we met our future wise selves. I don't want to share anything about it here though because it was such a personal experience, and it was beautiful and wonderful.
And the project for the week was a painting, incorporating some found objects (for me, they were leaves, bits of glass and beads, glitter and sand). We were encouraged to really get into the process of creating, by adding things, scratching things away, layering things, painting over things, hugging the painting, rubbing it in the grass... just really be involved in it as a process, rather than to create something in particular.
I'm really happy because when I started I had nothing in mind and had no idea where the painting was headed. I just smooshed whatever colour felt good onto the painting, wherever it wanted to go.
The next day I came back and layered some more things over what I originally painted and it all just happened.

And now I love it! I'm really proud of it! And it just happened, without me stressing about what it was going to look like and planning the whole thing and all the different steps... it just happened.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It's so so beautiful! The colours are fantastic and I love the combination of things used. Looks like a great course. Can't wait to see more. xo.