Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Abundant Life

Just a quick post while I'm really excited and inspired -

I've realised that I'm living more and more of the life I want to be living! A while ago I started a list (a long list) of things I want for my future, including who I am as a person, what I'm doing, where I'm living, how I'm living. I've kept adding to this as I think of things that are important to me.
I checked back with this list recently and realised that so many of these are in my life already! Things like:

~Buy as little processed food as possible
~Prepare and make as much food from scratch as possible
~Bake for friends
~Have time for quiet 'me' time
~Be surrounded by people who are joyful, abundant and loving
~Live with joy and love
~Appreciate the little things
~Be surrounded by beauty and little things that make me happy
~Live with integrity and authenticity
~Have a grassy garden in the sun
~Have abundance in all areas of my life

My life is amazing.

I love really getting clear on how I want my future to be. Really feeling into it, seeing it, knowing what it looks and feels like. Creating something like a list or vision board can be so helpful in making it clearer, something you can revisit or add to. And then - what is stopping you from living that life NOW? Why wait for the future? Some changes will take time, for whatever reason, but why not start making that future a reality now? Really you'll never get to the future because you are only ever in the now. So live the life you want to live, NOW.


Kath said...

Hi Kara,
What a beautiful Blog. I am so delighted to read that you are living an Abundant life - that you are manifesting your life. Wow - SO WONDERFUL!! I love your list that shows you getting so clear about what you want and that you are choosing that life NOW. I am Inspired! Thank you for also supporting my Blog and for your comment - you are lovely!! Glad your excited and magical self is alive and thriving! Love, Kath x

Christie Fischer said...

yay i love u xx