Sunday, April 26, 2009

Birthday List

So I just wanted to add some things to my birthday list. This is mostly for my benefit, so I can keep track of the yummy things I would like to own eventually. I'll probably just have to tell mum and dad in person since I don't think they read my blog!

Found a beautiful spiral necklace on Etsy:

Be the Change spiral pendant by lpjewelry

I think it's wonderful. I've had a fascination with spirals lately and mandala images keep coming up in my life so I just really want to pay attention to that for now. Also, such a great message, the quote 'Be the change you wish to see in the world' has really stuck with me recently, so this is just perfect!
It will convert to a bit of money in AU$ and I've been unemployed for so long I really can't justify it. So, birthday list it is.

Last week in college we watched a video interview with Ram Dass and it really gave me a lot to think about. I don't want to try to explain it because I just won't be able to do it properly and probably ruin the message. But I found his book in Borders today, Remember, Be Here Now:It was written in the 70's and is not just a book with heaps of text to read. It has illustrations and seems to be quite simple and easy to understand, it looks awesome.

There are loads of other books I want too but I just can't read them fast enough! So I'll just try and work through what I've got now.

In the middle of reading:

Visioning by Lucia Capacchione - about creating vision boards, set out really simply, what I've read so far is great!

Make your Creative Dream Real
by Sark - I just love Sark's books, they are fun and creative and inspiring! This one has simple steps to work on your creative dream/s in an easy way.

Your Sacred Self
by Wayne W. Dyer - I found this to be really relevant after watching the video at college last week! I haven't read any of his books before but I'm enjoying this one, about getting in touch with your spiritual self and bringing that into your every day life.


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