Sunday, March 22, 2009

Domestic Goddess

Yesterday I had a wonderful day at home being very domestic getting lots of little things done!
It's funny, I always wondered why people who worked full time would spend their weekends gardening and doing the boring jobs that needed to be done around the house... but now I'm here, I kind of get it. It's so satisfying to spend time putting effort into the place that you live. So I cooked, cleaned, washed, scrubbed... and it felt great!

Above you can see that I finally bought some herbs! So far I've just got coriander, basil, chives, spinach and rosemary and I'm pleased to say that after 2 days they are doing great and are still alive!

Last Friday Josh took me for a surprise drive, I was instructed I had to keep my eyes closed until we got there... when we stopped we were just by the road which didn't look very exciting but then he took me down a path to a lovely grassy spot!
He brought some of my books and tea because he knew I love reading and drinking tea and being outside... it was so sweet and thoughtful! We didn't stay long enough to sit and read though because there were too many mossies. I'd love to go back but I don't know where it is because I wasn't allowed to look so I'll just have to wait for my next surprise!
Also I've been thinking more and more about trying to make money from my art and I really think it might be possible. I haven't got to the point of making any serious plans or goals with this yet but I've been looking into it more, Etsy has been great to hear about how other people do it and websites like Modish Biz Tips have been helpful too. So that's been on my mind while I'm still unemployed... I just want to be earning money in a way that is in line with the way I live the rest of my life... kind of hard to do when everyone needs money, but I'll work it out.

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