Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So I've been thinking more and more about trying to sell some of my affirmation cards on Etsy.
I'm getting closer and closer to doing it, and am trying to find out more about how I would go about it, but I'm so scared that there's no room for my art. That it's already been done. So scared that I want to do something big but no one else will see it that way. I've found so much pretty stuff on Etsy and I just don't know how I would get noticed, and it stops me from even starting. Blah.

I have found some great inspirational stuff on Etsy, very exciting but also I worry that it means potential competition for me!This is a beautiful print by Kelly Rae Roberts I might treat myself to. Ok wait I just noticed shipping is $25, damn. I cannot justify US$50 for a print. Sigh. I'll just keep admiring it here on my blog.

She does have a book though which I have decided is on my birthday list, Taking Flight. This one may be affordable.

Also on my birthday list is the book Walking in this World and a wooden spoon. For cooking. We don't have one.

1 comment:

Tony said...

I think that you should just jump in and try to sell, you are very talented and it really does show through your cards. You are right that there are a lot of products already on Etsy and realistically no one could expect to come into immediate success but as the old clichéd saying goes, you've got to be in it to win it. Ultimately you just need to take the first step and put a few things up there for sale, and whether you manage to sell or not, no harm comes from trying, from a quick read there is only a low start up cost, so there is not much to lose really if you don't have a sale. As for getting noticed, well you can't worry about that all you can do is give it a go, I mean that is probably the hardest part because your work speaks for itself for how good it is so it just needs to be able to get some visibility, again I only had a quick glance around this time but I'd imagine that being an active member of the Etsy community would help and it is important to make your products easy to find for both people looking for the specific product but also those just browsing around, which means using descriptive titles, numerous yet accurate tags and strong descriptions.. also selecting your price point is important, like a quick search on the site and yeah I'm no expert or anything but I think that some people put their prices too high, especially if you don't have a reputation or good sales record on the site, or whatever feedback system they employ (assuming that they do use one), like I wouldn't especially be looking to make any huge profit to begin with, more just wanting to cover costs and you know rounding into a nice reasonable and sensible price, just trying to get your foot in the door and then you could think more about the business side of things, I would think... Sorry, I'm really rambling here, saying stuff you already know, sorry... I think that I had a point when I started writing, oh yes! You should definitely give it a go, no harm in trying! Seriously good luck with it and I really hope that you do try and that it goes well for you!