Thursday, March 19, 2009

Language warning

I just got back from seeing Lisa and I quickly wanted to share what I made for her a few days ago... After I made it I was kind of hard on myself because it wasn't perfect, but then after taking photos I started to appreciate it more. I like how fun and colourful it is.

I also told her about another card I had made about a month ago:

I wasn't going to post this one but then I figured that anyone who may be reading this blog is grown up enough to deal with it. This came about one night when I was feeling lousy, too lousy to be creative, I had some wonderful ideas of things for friends but I was not in the mood to make anything pretty and perfect.
Then I read this little bit in a book called Walking in this World, in a section called Art is Therapeutic, Not Therapy... this part pretty much talks about working from where we are, rather than waiting to be in the right place to 'create':

'We may feel different after making something. We may see something in a different light, but that inner shift of focus comes from expressing what it is we do feel and see rather than striving to feel and see things differently, with more balance and less sting.'

And it just made me think, right, I want to create, so I'll just work from where I am right now... and actually I'm still very happy with it, and it's just so interesting to know that something can come from another kind of creative passion.

College was great today but quite challenging, I can see how this course is going to be hard when we have to deal with parts of ourselves that we've been able to ignore before. We started to talk about Ecopsychology though which I'm very excited about, and again was reminded how much I want to plant some herbs and veggies! I have to stop talking and just start doing, I think I can get a few things ready this weekend maybe...

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