Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My pretty corner

So this is my corner of the balcony, just outside my room! It's very simple but I love it and it has everything I need to feel comfortable and relax. I'm very lucky.

One of the girls from college introduced me to this website, which has some wonderful posters...

It caught my eye because it reminds me quite a bit of Sark's work which is just delicious!I have quite a few of Sark's books and they are so easy to read, so creative and inspiring! It's quite interesting because when I worked in Borders I saw her books on the shelf but never took the time to properly look at them. But one time in New Zealand in a bookshop I'd never been to before, one book on the top shelf caught my eye: Make your Creative Dreams Real - A plan for procrastinators, perfectionists, busy people, and people who would really rather sleep all day (that's really what it's called)... and I'm most of those things! Thinking about it now that book might be helpful to read again sometime soon... anyway check out Planet Sark and see the fun and prettiness for yourself.

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